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Benefits to Canada

           Earthgen, stemming from Canada, would mutually benefit from this exchange. Through promoting its trees further and allowing for greater outreach of its exclusively offered technology, EMIPP, the subsequent increased scale of hazelnut production would make hazelnuts more affordable and popular. This showcase effect would attract other investors to notice the foreseeable success of investing in Earthgen trees, an Ontario based company, with some enthusiasts taking prompt action to join the market. Following increased demand for the exclusive trees, Earthgen must respond to increased orders through expansion of business and an implementation of development plans to meet consumer needs. Therefore, a ripple effect would have started, allowing for a rapid business growth with more job opportunities. Simply experienced employees would no longer be sufficient and new, inexperienced hires would likely be added to handle the large amount of work. Should the company invest in development of varieties in the types of hazelnut trees needing different skills, it would affect an even bigger boost to the local economy, and the company may need to train and organize employees for varieties that may require more care. New positions and professionals associated with new development plans would also be generated, such as advisors for specific duties like assess farmland and soil for consumers, choice of hazelnut varieties, and professionals who offer services in feasibility studies and preparing business proposals for consumers who intend to start an orchard.
                                    Hazelnut Trees in University of Guelph Simcoe

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